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Our Ministries & Volunteer Groups


At St. John's there are many ways you can become involved and volunteer. Below are a few of our diverse ministries and volunteer groups, if you see something that interests you, please contact us using the "click here" links provided.


Altar Guild

St. John's has a dedicated group of people who make sure that the Lord's table is set for all liturgical services and celebrations.

They follow the church calendar changing the colour of frontals and other symbols the reflect the seasons and celbrations of the Church. They also handle decorative flowers weekly and on special Sundays and holidays throughout the year. If you are interested in more information, or on volunteering for our Altar Guild, please click here.                                   

St. John's cardmaking group makes and send out beautiful hand crafted cards to parishioners and their families, providing ministry to the parish and fellowship to the participants. Cards are made for all occasions. New volunteers are always welcome; no skills required and regular attendance is not necessary. Please click here if you are interested in joining this volunteer group.                                      

Card Making

Choir & Music

St. John's has a wonderful choir who sing every Sunday morning and practice on Thursday evenings. If you are interested in learning more please click here to send an email to our Organist and Music Director, Dr. Christiaan Teeuwsen.  Dr. Teeuwsen along with others from St. John's have created some lovely music videos on our YouTube page, click here to view and listen.


Fellowship Ministry

This ministry continues to serve families in a time of need and in some cases celebration.  

If you are looking to assist with set up or take down of tables/chairs, or perhaps can help out in the kitchen, or as a server at a funeral reception, or

an occasional luncheone, or fellowship after church, this could be the place for you!  Please contact Ann Cunningham by clicking here if you would like to volunteer for our Fellowship Ministry.

Gardening Group

Got a green thumb?  Even if you don't, St. John's Gardening Group would love your help!

We have beautiful grounds surrounding our church, and they are kept looking spectacular in the Spring/Summer seasons by our dedicated gardeners who meet on Tuesday evenings weekly.  If you would like to lend a hand, please click here to send an email.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry provides comfort to our members and their families and friends in the form of prayerfully knitted or crocheted shawls and fleece-lined prayer blankets. If you would like more information about this ministry please click here and send us an email.

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Feb 2 Souper Bowl Sunday (11).jpg

Social Justice Action Group/Outreach

St. John's has a very active group of volunteers who form our SJAG. Our vision is "to foster justice in God's creation through prayer, financial aid and social action."  We support St. Matthew's House, Mission Services, PWRDF. Canterybury Hills Camp and run a bake stall at the Ancaster Farmers Market. Throughout the year, we have many different fundraising events, if you would like to volunteer to assist with any of these, or learn more about what we do, please click here to contact Maureen Robinson.

Be Inspired and Lend a Hand

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About Us

Called to Life ~ Compelled to Love

Ignited by the irresistible love of Jesus and renewed by the Holy Spirit, we partner with God to deepen faith, join God's mission, and care for God's world.


St. John's Anglican Church, 

272 Wilson St. E.,

Ancaster, ON

L9G 2B9

(905) 648-2353​

Territorial Acknowledgement

Saint John's Church acknowledges that the land upon which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is directly adjacent to Haldimand Treaty territory. We seek a new relationship with the Original Peoples of this land, one based in honour and deep respect.

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