Nursery Staff ~ Please meet Millie Wighardt who began at St. John's on September 10 2023 as our nursery staff person on Sunday mornings. Millie lives a five-minute walk away from the church, grew up in the St. John's Youth Group, is a student in the Recreation Therapy program at Mohawk College, and spends her summers working at a camp for adults, children and youth with disabilities called Belwood Lodge & Camp.
Millie is pictured here in St. John's under utilized, but top notch nursery, and is keen to meet up with young children from infants to kindergarten on Sunday mornings. If there are no young children in the nursery on any given Sunday, Millie will be assisting Marsha Letman (our CYFM Coordinator) in the Sunday School. We invite families to take advantage of these resources. Parents can either stay with their children in the nursery during worship, leave them in Millie's care (supported by volunteers as numbers warrant), or a combination of staying and leaving. Deo Gratias.
Children from 5yrs to high school
Sunday morning Christian Education for kids meets from Sept to June for 30 minutes during worship. We begin in church. Leave for some learning and fun and then return. You don't need to bring anything. Just yourselves. Our time together is fun and engaging as we learn about ourselves, and what Jesus teaches us about God.
Children from infant to 5yrs
Our Sunday morning nursery is staffed from Sept to June. The space is created with toddlers in mind. The space has 2 parts, a play area and a quiet room equipped with a rocking chair and a change table. Come a few minutes early and explore the space and meet the staff.
Past Children's Events
Easter Egg Hunt 2023
25 young hunters of all ages took part in the Easter egg hunt following the 10am.service.
Fun was had by all with lots of surprises.